Petition #20883738


Charles Belot has power of attorney to act on behalf of Hélène Lepage, a free woman of color. He presents to the police jury that, by an 1836 act duly passed before a notary public, Hélène Lepage had promised to give "liberty" to her then sixty-year-old slave named Nina, as a reward for Nina's long, faithful, and important services. He explains that Lepage has now asked him, in her absence, to act on her behalf and proceed with Nina's legal emancipation. Belot declares that Nina, who is a laundress ["blanchisseuse et repasseuse"], is capable of earning a living. He avers that she has always behaved well and no complaint has ever been lodged against her. He asks the police jury to authorize him to free Nina without compelling her to leave the area ["le pays"] [Original in French].

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: New Orleans Public Library, New Orleans, Louisiana
