Finding Reserve Materials

  • Print and media reserves are listed by course in the Libraries’ online catalog.
    • To see lists of items on reserve and to obtain call numbers, locations and availability statuses, search for Reserves (or follow these detailed instructions).
    • Visit the Checkout Desk in Jackson Library with your SpartanCard in hand to borrow print reserves or use our Document Delivery Service to ask us to scan and send PDF files to you.
    • The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
  • eReserve readings are stored in SharePoint in accessible Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) format and delivered to students via Canvas.
    • The library provides instructors with a link to the eReserves for their classes.
    • Instructors decide where to add the link in Canvas. Possibilities include adding them to the Canvas course, adding the link to the syllabus, or creating share links for each reading and linking them as they are assigned on the syllabus.
    • A login with UNCG computing credentials is required to access the readings.

For Instructors

  • Course Reserves FAQ: Policies, Procedures and Due Dates.
  • Copyright Information
  • Streaming film sources – Before placing a film on reserve for your students please check the Libraries’ numerous sources. We offer thousands of films that may be viewed either in class or on your students’ own time 24/7. Different options are available from each film vendor; most offer the selection of specific clips and insertion of questions and assignments within a film.
  • Place items on Reserve

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