Please check the Streaming Media LibGuide for information access on the 1000s of films available to stream and information on Public Performance Rights.

UNCG faculty, graduate student/teaching assistants, and staff may use Instructional DVD Booking & Delivery Request Form to:

  • Book DVDs for classroom use on specific days.
  • Have DVDs delivered for classroom use – via campus mail – to their department’s office.


  • To avoid conflicts and delays, booking and purchase requests should be made several weeks or months in advance of desired use dates.
  • The loan period is 7 day.
  • The library does not pick up films for return.
  • If you want students to view DVDs outside of the classroom, please place them on Reserve.
  • To request that we purchase films, please use the Book Purchase Request Form.

Additional information can be found on the Multimedia Services page, by emailing [email protected] or contacting Amy Smith (Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm) at 336.256.1199.