The liaison librarians in the Research, Outreach, and Instruction (ROI) Department and the Schiffman Music Library can develop customized, course-integrated learning experiences for your students, which may take the form of synchronous or asynchronous online sessions, research guides, online tutorials, and more. We encourage you to consult with your liaison librarian to determine which types of support are best suited for your course. ROI librarians are also happy to consult with you on designing or updating research assignments. Because we work with students not only in class sessions but also in one-on-one research consultations, we have insight into common obstacles that students encounter when completing research assignments and can suggest ways to create or modify assignments with those concerns in mind.

Please read the following information before scheduling instructional support for your courses.


  • We encourage you to complete the Library Instruction Request form (available below) to schedule a course-integrated instruction session for your course. If you prefer, you can email your liaison librarian to begin the scheduling process.
  • Each instruction session is customized based on the research assignment(s) your students will be completing. Please upload or share details about your research assignment(s) on the request form.
  • Sharing your course syllabus with us (a draft or older version is fine) is also helpful so that we can see how the research assignment fits within the larger context of the course, so that we understand timing and due dates, and so that we can reference other course readings or materials when relevant.
  • A request should be placed at least a week in advance of your preferred dates, though the earlier the better. This is for several reasons: more notice allows the request to be scheduled and finalized with the librarian best suited to teach your class; more notice increases the likelihood that library instructional labs are available; and most importantly, it enables the librarian working with you to prepare a high quality learning experience for your students, a process that often involves dialoguing with you about your goals for the class session.
  • Scheduling is on a first come, first served basis, so please schedule early to ensure the date that best fits your students’ needs.

Faculty Engagement

  • Please plan to introduce the research assignment to your students prior to the class session or sessions taught by a librarian. Students should be at a point in the research process where a class session focused on conducting research will be most beneficial to them. The ideal time for a library instruction session is after students receive an assignment and know their topics. For most typical research papers or projects, a good time would be about two weeks before the first draft is due.
  • Your presence and engagement in the library instruction session communicates to your students that what we are sharing with them is valuable and that librarians are experts who can provide critical support during the research process.
  • Your engagement during our instruction in your course also invites your valuable insights into the research process of your discipline, and further integrates the content we teach into your course goals and content.
  • Communication between you and the librarian teaching your class, both before and after the instruction takes place, is essential to its success. We are especially grateful for feedback about the impact of our instruction on your students and may contact you to discuss opportunities for assessing your students’ information literacy skills after we work with you.

By proceeding to the Library Instruction Request Form, you are indicating that you have read the information and guidelines above.

Complete and Submit the Library Instruction Form

For questions about our library instruction programs, please contact Jenny Dale, Information Literacy Coordinator.