Race and Slavery Petitions Project

List of Free People of Color in Petition 20184722

People Listing

NameRole in PetitionEnslavement StatusColorGenderAgeBirthDeathOwned slaves?Occupation
CHASTANG, Augustus FPOCmulattomale  
CHASTANG, John FPOCmulattomale  
COLLINS, Edward FPOCmulattomale  
COLLINS, Isabel FPOCmulattofemale  
COLLINS, Joseph FPOCmulattomale Yes. 
COLLINS, Joseph FPOCmulattomale  
COLLINS, MargaretpetitionerFPOCmulattofemaleapprox 80 years of age in 1847Yes. 
COLLINS, Polite FPOCmulattofemale  
LAURENDINE, Benjamin FPOCblackmale  in 1847turner
LAURENDINE, Louisa Collins ([Isabella] [Louise] [Isabelle])defendantFPOCmulattofemale Yes.