Petition #20885036


Talbot A. Bouton, administrator of the estate of his late parents, John and Martha Bouton, represents that his parents’ land and personal effects have been sold and the proceeds are sufficient to pay the estate’s liabilities. He now wishes to partition their slaves among the heirs. In order to achieve the partition, he prays for several orders from the court. First, he seeks the appointment of a tutor and “under Tutor” for his minor brother, James L. Bouton, and his nieces, Sephronia and Semantha Nix. He prays to be appointed James’s tutor, but declines the tutorship of his nieces. He also seeks the appointment of a “curator ad hoc” to represent his nephew, William H. Bouton, who resides with his mother in Alabama. He asks that a family meeting be convened to consider the appointment of a tutor for Sephronia and Semantha, and to take into consideration matters relative to the interest of the minors. Finally, he recommends that the minors be given their share of the value of the slaves in cash and the slaves be divided in kind among the adult heirs. He prays that all the heirs be cited to hear a “judgment and decree of partition.”

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Catahoula Parish Courthouse, Harrisonburg, Louisiana
