Dr. Loreen Olson

Dr. Loreen Olson

Communication Studies
Professor, 2017

Mismeasure of Woman: Why Women Are Not the Better Sex, The Inferior Sex, or the Opposite Sex
by Carol Tavris

As a gender communication scholar, I chose this book because of its impact on the ongoing development of my perspective toward gendered inequality, oppression, and erasure. Tavris's critique of the "man is the measure of all things" ideology present in the social sciences, medicine, law, and history was eye-opening to me as a first year doctoral student. Unpacking and challenging the male norm still present in our societal and relational discourse is omnipresent in my teaching, scholarship, and personal life. This book cemented that position for me, which is evidenced by the tattered nature of my copy, the personal notes on the margins, the sticky notes marking specific topics of interest, the highlighted sentences, and the dog-eared pages.

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