Context and Changes

The University Libraries recognize the importance of electronic databases to UNCG’s research and instructional missions. In identifying databases for potential cancellation, we tried to select those that would have the least negative impact. For example, for most of the proposed cancellations we will retain access to similar or identical content via an alternative online resource.

The University Libraries provide access to over 600 databases and other electronic resources. Many of these are either freely available or provided by NC LIVE, a centrally funded state-wide database provider. UNCG pays over $1 million annually for 84 database subscriptions and will cancel six of those subscriptions during 2023/24. If you have any questions or comments regarding these selections, please send them to Tim Bucknall, Assistant Dean for Library IT and Collections.

APA Academic Writer
This resource has had low usage and high price increases each year; much of the content is duplicated on freely available websites such as APA Style. Our access will end 8/31/23.

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
This product only provides indexing. It does not provide full-text access to tests. Our access will end 9/30/23.

Nexis Uni
This expensive product has a high cost per use, and much of the content is duplicated in other subscription products that we will retain. The interface is difficult to use and there is no integration with Zotero, the Libraries’ supported citation management system. Our access will end 6/30/23.

ProQuest Congressional
This resource has nearly duplicative content to HeinOnline, and the cost differential between the two substantially favors HeinOnline. The Library of Congress has now digitized a large amount of congressional content in an ongoing effort to make these documents publicly accessible. Our access will end 7/1/23.

ProQuest Serial Set 2 Digital Collection
This collection has shown consistently poor usage for several years. The content is available for free from the Library of Congress and HeinOnline. Our access will end 3/1/24.

This is by far our most expensive database subscription. It provides no full text content. Google Scholar covers the same journals plus thousands more. Our access will end 7/1/24.

Comments and Feedback

We encourage faculty input regarding the impact of these reductions on your research and teaching. Keep in mind that it is almost certain that next year will see additional cuts. Send comments to Tim Bucknall, Assistant Dean of University Libraries. We are willing to attend departmental meetings or meet with department heads, if more information, context, or discussion would be helpful.