Throughout the year, the Technical Services Department spends funds responsibly, maintains a consistent workflow, and increases the timeliness and percentage of order fulfillment.

  • August/September
    • Final departmental allocations announced for current fiscal year (FY).
    • First monthly budget report sent to departments
  • August 31
    • Departments should have 25% of allocation encumbered/expended.
  • December 31
    • Departments should have 70% of allocation encumbered/expended.
  • February 28
    • Departments should have 95% of allocation encumbered/expended.
    • Liaisons and Faculty Representatives are notified to review all orders on hand in Acquisitions and establish new priorities if needed.
  • March 31
    • Last day Acquisitions will accept book requests from departments for the current FY.
    • Expect 100% encumbered/expended.
    • Once departmental funds are fully encumbered, book orders submitted will be applied to the next FY. Any funds not encumbered by March 31 may be transferred to the library resources pool.
  • June 15
    • Funds expended; ready for fiscal closing in system.