The re-envisioned Jackson Library will create a welcoming and inclusive environment, foster innovation, support student success, and offer strong and diverse collections. Construction will begin in early 2025 and is expected to last three years. Study spaces and most services and collections will still be available throughout the renovation, although there will be some exceptions and interruptions.

Our exciting new interior spaces will be open and vibrant, and will offer increased student seating, technology access, and group study rooms.

View of library lower level after renovation
view of west entry after renovation

The new design is fully ADA compliant and will add new entrances, greatly improving accessibility for ALL our visitors.

Current TotalProjected Post-Renovation Total
Total patron space36,901 square feet73,429 square feet
Student seating capacity1,200 students2,250 students
Library teaching space5,943 square feet7,236 square feet
Enclosed/semi-emclosed student study space capacity253 students485 students
Student-focused wellness space0 square feet840 square feet

Timeline and detailed renovation plans are available here (PDF).

We are committed to continuing to offer high quality research support, collections, instruction, and a welcoming study environment throughout the three year renovation. We look forward to welcoming you back to your newly modernized and inspiring library when our project is completed at the beginning of 2028!

  • Questions about the renovation plan and design? Ask Mike Crumpton, Dean of University Libraries.
  • Questions about renovation impact on collections? Ask Tim Bucknall, Assistant Dean for Collections and IT.
  • Questions about the renovation’s effect on library services, instruction, and research support? Ask Amy Harris Houk, Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning.