If you are seeking external funding and your grant proposal includes any of the following services, the Libraries would be interested in discussing a potential partnership.

  • web design
  • web hosting
  • user interface design
  • back-end database development
  • ADA compliance
  • web usage statistics
  • metadata
  • scanning and other digitization services
  • data format selection
  • hosting platform advice
  • data stewardship and migration
  • data security
  • best practices for long-term data retention

The University Libraries have successfully partnered with Faculty researchers on a range of external grants, receiving funding from IMLS, NEH, NHPRC, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation among others.

If your grant is going to pay for these types of services anyway, it might be a good idea to keep some of that money on campus rather than outsourcing to a commercial IT shop. And if you do partner with the Libraries, there is a much greater chance that your scholarly product will be preserved long term, shared more widely, and have a greater impact.

Here are some examples of past and current collaborative initiatives.

Talk to Us

Faculty interested in learning more about the potential for library support for grants should contact Tim Bucknall ([email protected]).