Every campus had them – groups and clubs that embody a time period where a certain activity was in demand or appeared relevant. From horseback riding, to women carpenters, to school plays performed by a swimming club, learning about these groups help to enlighten us about what was important and trending in different eras of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). This exhibit will focus on six groups or clubs that had a significant effect on the campus and its students. All photos shown in this exhibit come directly from the SCUA archives. Information about these groups was found in UNCG yearbooks, student handbooks, and various texts about the campus history. When looking at these student-based groups, what we can begin to interpret is how time and technology has altered what the students engaged in, or what they cared about.

One of the older, somewhat odd, clubs found in The State Normal and Industrial School, was known as the Bird Club. Organized in 1912, the club was open to anyone interested in learning more about the bird specimens found on campus. While the Bird Club had a great, organized start with their first president, Miss Fannie Hunt, as far as records can tell, the club only lasted a couple of years. Perhaps from lack of interest?

By the summer of 1918, another group of young women formed the Carpenterettes. They used skill and muscle to help clear the grounds in order to contruct the Y.W.C.A. hut. This building became a center for meetings, receptions, and even a haven during the 1918 influenza epidemic. The Carpenterettes was a response group created during the waning years of World War I, when many men, who typically did these jobs, were away.

The Dramatic Club was organized in 1912-1913 with the presentation of Booth Tarkington’s, The American. The purpose of the club was to make sure actresses were able to perform as frequently as possible. By the 1920’s, the club was renamed Playlikers and Raymond Taylor was director of the drama department. The club built a healthy reputation for their performances and acting out plays often written by UNCG students.

Around the same time as the Playlikers were traveling around the state, another group of women were organizing for the world of swimming. The Dolphin Club formed in 1926 and it aimed at improving stroke and technique. Later on, the club added the “Seal” part to the name to include girls who wanted to join but were not as skilled in swimming. By the 1930’s and 40’s, the club hosted many events to entertain the campus.

A true testament to its time, the Boot n’ Spur Club was a horseback riding organization that formed in the mid-1940’s when UNCG still had riding grounds. The 1st Annual Horse Show, in 1947, marked the clubs first major event open to the public.

“Going places and doing things.” This was the motto given to the Outing Club by Greensboro Record, Bodie McDowell in a brief article. The club officially formed in 1966 by active students of the campus, and they partook in various activities such as skiing, mountain climbing, camping, sailing, and canoeing. The Outing Club was a popular, inexpensive alternative for many students who wanted to explore the outdoors during vacation times.

By Ralph Butcher, history department intern, Fall 2014