Race and Slavery Petitions Project

List of Free People of Color in Petition 20979116

People Listing

NameRole in PetitionEnslavement StatusColorGenderAgeBirthDeathOwned slaves?Occupation
Moll ([Mary Batson the elder] [Mary Brown]) FPOCmulattofemale  ca 1782 
BATSON, Isaac FPOCmulattomale  
BATSON, Lucy ([Brown]) FPOCmulattofemale  
BATSON, Mark ([Brown]) FPOCmulattomale  
BATSON, Mary ([Brown]) FPOCmulattofemaleapprox 65 years of age in 1790 
BATSON, Ned ([Brown]) FPOCmulattomale  
BATSON, Tom ([Brown]) FPOCmulattomale  
BOSTON, Bacon ([the elder]) FPOCmulattomaleapprox 40 years of age in 1793 
BROWN, Ann ([Batson]) FPOCmulattofemaleapprox 60 years of age in 1792