Dr. Judith A. Niemeyer

Professor of Early Childhood Special Education

Dr. Judith A. Niemeyer

Developmental Systems Approach to Early Intervention by Michael J Guralnick

"This book is an expansion of Michael Guralnick's previous work. Michael Guralnick is an international expert in the inclusion of infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities in natural environments. His research emphasizes a focus on the whole child within the context of the family. In his earlier work, he examined evidenced based practices in early childhood and defined first generation research as primarily intervention based; challenging the field to focus on process in second generation research. In this current book, he expands the research agenda to a more global perspective challenging the field to examine inclusion from an international perspective by encouraging collaborative ventures among cultures and countries. Dr. Guralnick's ultimate goal with this current book, The Developmental Systems Approach to Early Intervention, is to advance the field of early intervention internationally.

The major reason I chose this book is because it reflects the current vision of inclusion based on a global perspective. It reflects my own philosophical orientation related to inclusion in that there is an emphasis on the whole child in the context of the family, thereby, individualizing the inclusion process. Finally, Dr. Guralnick is a pioneer and visionary in the field of early childhood special education, continually challenging professionals to expand the research agenda so that the lives of young children with disabilities and their families are further enhanced."