About Social Work Online
Description: The 100 hours of video and 50,000 pages of text in this collection are structured around twelve of the most important topics in the social work curriculum, most of which are applicable worldwide. The pedagogical videos in Social Work Online address the essential concepts students will employ in their everyday work as practitioners. The documentaries offer real, complex, and deeply personal experiences that are best understood through observation—letting students consider how they might address various client issues in the field. In addition to the curated content from various sources, Microtraining Associates, an Alexander Street imprint, has produced a number of original videos to meet the need for social work training videos on essential issues. Text content in Social Work Online supports and expands upon the concepts taught across the social work curriculum, selected to add perspectives to topics that are highly relevant but not always well covered in textbooks.

Concurrent Users: unlimited

Other info: always proxy off-campus, provides full text

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