About Country Life Archive‎ (1897 - 2005)
Description: Spanning more than a century, Country Life Archive is an extensive collection, containing every page and issue of this historical British culture and lifestyle magazine from its first issue in 1897 (when it was known as Country Life Illustrated) to 2005. All pages are in full color and are reproduced in high-resolution and fully searchable. Widely considered the foremost record of country estate living in the UK, Country Life Archive preserves this history, and assembles one of the most extensive records of this unique lifestyle from the turn of the nineteenth century forward. Key estates, great country houses, as well as fine art and architecture, and rural leisure pursuits are all covered in this publication of record. All editorial content and pictorial features are captured as separate documents to allow for easy search and discovery. For advertisements, the featured company and brand names have been assigned to the document records where possible, and all image captions are captured to a high degree of accuracy, allowing precise retrieval of photographs and illustrations. Contributor names that appear in image credits are also indexed. This archive database provides a wealth of information to researchers and students interested in UK culture and history over the past 100 years and beyond.

Concurrent Users: unlimited

Other info: always proxy off-campus, provides full text

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