About Business Insights: Global
Description: *Thousands of global company, country and business topic overviews featuring detailed information as well as interactive rankings and statistics, with quick links to associated content. *A profile for every UN recognized country. *Global Histories, SWOT Reports, Thomson Reuters Company Financials and Investment Reports, Market Share Reports, and Industry Research Essays. *Full-text articles from academic journals, business periodicals, newswires and other media outlets, with PDF and HTML download options. *Hundreds of economic and business indicators that allow for analyses of economies, companies and industries. *Case studies from Gale's CaseBase as well as from our publishing partners worldwide. *More than 1,200 business executive video interviews and lessons for deeper insight into issues and decision-making. *Thousands of interactive LiveCharts for economic and business indicators that let researchers generate their own analyses and custom charts for reports and presentations. *A combination of extensive content with powerful analytical tools that enable students and researchers to gain a broad understanding of the increasingly global nature of modern business. *Targeted searching by category: company, article, industry, and keyword. Search results can limited by Full Text Only, Peer Reviewed Only, Periodicals Only, and Publication dates and titles.

Concurrent Users: unlimited

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